There are three different and independent methods by which mail arrival can be signaled. For each option, choose the mail type to be configured by choosing it from the “Notify” pop-up menu. For each mail type, the notification options may be chosen as follows: To have Snap Mail flash the mail’s notification icon over the “Apple” menu when the mail arrives, click on the “Icon” check box. The icon that will appear is defined by the sender. To have Snap Mail play a sound to accompany the arrival of mail, click on the “Sound” check box. If this option is checked, a pop-up menu will appear in which you can choose which sound you would like to hear. To have Snap Mail bring up an alert box when mail arrives, click on the “Alert” check box. Check this option if you don’t always notice when mail arrives. These notification options are not mutually exclusive and you may choose any combination of icon, sound and alert settings that you would like.